Madison loves to read her books on our bed.

Ok, seriously..... I've said this before, but why can't I have a king size bed?

I love you Uncle Dustin.

Hanging with Uncle Dustin

Ready..... set.... here I goooooo

Try to catch me if you can.

All this riding has made me so thirsty.

Yes.... she now picks her nose and says, "Look Moco"
(translation look booger)

Go Gators!

Christmas has passed and blowups will be in their boxes soon.
Don't know how our little punkin is going to take it. She loves her Santa n Snowman blowups.


Wait a minute..... Madison road her bike for five minutes then said,
"Wagon ride." Little monkey would rather have us pull her around instead of riding her bike.
(she's a smart one....lol)

Madison still walks around in Papa's dolphin slippers.

Playing outside with Papa n Mama (and Lulu.... of course)

Papa teaching Madison tee ball.

Madison says, "One, two, threeeeeee" then she hits the ball.

Madison's definition of bowling is dropping the ball on the pins.
When we tell her to roll the ball to pins.... she says "No, Madison do it"

Having a blast with my Papa.

Madison posing with spiderman. Almost everytime we play outside she request: "Papa bring spiderman." (too cute)