Yes I said Honey. She calls her Papa....Honey. We walk outside and she says, "Papa open door".
Then she sits on his lap and she says, "Madison driving".

As she pretends she is eating a piece of cake she sings Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..........
Madison loves to play tea time not only with Mama but we have to include Dora, Elmo, and sometimes even her penguin.
She enjoys playing with her stacking blocks
Posing in my Disney princess PJ's. Madison knows almost all the princess characters. She says, Aurora, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Belle, but has a hard time saying Ariel.
I'm too cool.
Higher Madison get all that dust.
Fun at the park
Madison kept saying, "Again, slide down again".
A great day with my papa.
Got Milk?
Madison enjoying a bagel with cream cheese.
Papa n his little girl
Wait Papa no more pictures
Madison at her first Marlins game
Proud daddy at a baseball game with his little princess.
Madison says, "Gooooo Canes"
Our little cheerleader
Punkin having fun with her Wonder Pets fly boat.
My first dinner date with Matthew.
Ok....ok... Mama n Papa and Tio Mike n Tia Monika were with us too.
Madison got a new princess PJ, and put it on immediately, over her clothes.
Madison is fascinated with light switches. Madison is definitely GREEN. When we walk out of a room. She reminds us, "Turn off the light".
Wait a minute.... why can't I have a king size bed?
I'm gonna get you.
Mama n Me
"Baby Madison please." She now likes to watch the videos of "baby Madison" on TV.
I enjoy hiding in Mama n Papa's closet
Madison trying to walk in mama's slippers
Madison puts a sticker over her eye, like an eye patch. She then goes, "Errrr" like a pirate.

Next is mopping and toilets..... lol... just kidding.

"Madison slide down"
It is comical how she talks about her self in the third person.

1 comment:
WHOA - that's a post and a half. IT's been awhile, but you sure made up for it with all those great photos. She is precious.
When did you guys move? I must have missed something. You're in a different house, right?
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