Papa n his little punkin

Saturday morning Madison comes to our bed and we watch cartoons and snuggle for a little bit before the day starts.

Sushi time

Madison has many hobbies. She really enjoys painting.

Madison also enjoys puzzles. Yes.... she does it all by herself.

Look ....I did it!

Chilling on our bed!

Painting again

Our future swimsuit model

Now this is the only way to travel.....wagon ride to the pool.

Madison really enjoys the pool and is swimming very well.

Madison playing her computer game on our laptop.
(It's mama's laptop but she says it's ours)

I look like a princess

She really enjoys her computer games. At 2 and 1/2 years Madison has mastered how to use a computer and mouse pad.

Cousin Kathy and Cary thank you for my heart bracelets. I love them!

Helping Tita feed my cousin Zoe. Madison is such a big helper. She always wants to help me wash clothes, clean the house and help me in the kitchen. She says when her baby is here she will help me get the diapers and help feed the baby too.

Trying on my halloween costume. I'm going to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Madison is obsessed with Beauty and the Beast. When we asked her what is the baby going to bring you she asked for, The Movie. (Perfect timing the Blue Ray DVD was released in October)
Baby has it for her and it is wrapped for the big day!

Making cupcakes with Papa n Mama

She kept asking, "Can I lick it"?

Decorating cupcakes.... she had to taste it first before decorating them. LOL

My new pool!

Play doh time.... one of Madison's many hobbies.

Making strawberry milkshakes with Papa. Yummy!

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