Sunday, February 22, 2009

Got Bubbles? it again. I want more bubbles.
Madison is fascinated with bubbles.

Madison's First Carnival

Our Madirose was a bit overwhelmed with all the lights, rides, and noises.
She did not want to smile for the pictures.
What do you mean.... I'm not tall enough to get on the ride???
People eat elephant ears?
Papa why can't I walk anywhere I want?
Madison spending time with her cousins Alexander and Andrew.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Congrats to the Dougs!

Kel, Rob, and Peyton Congratulations on the wonderful news!!! It's a GIRL!

Congrats Brit!!!

Congratulations to our cousin Brittani. She as been accepted to University of Florida.
GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 month checkup

February 17th our Madison Rose had her 15 month checkup appointment.
Her current stats are wt 24lbs 2oz (75%) ht 31 3/4 inches (90%)
Doctor says she is healthy and doing great. We are so blessed. We love you pumpkin.

Hubby Your the Best

February 14th was a great day. Chuck had a day full of surprises. It started in the morning. I was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready when I hear, Madison give mama her present. Madison walked to me holding a white teddy bear with a heart that said I Love You. It was the sweetest thing. On the teddy bear there was a diamond tennis bracelet. OMG! It is so beautiful.

Then, Chuck planned a day of treats. We started about 3pm with my favorite drink pomegranate martini's. Then he prepared an appetizer of cheese fondue with sour dough bread, broccoli, and cauliflower. Next, Fed Ex had delivered lobster's from Maine. Chuck steamed and served them with a side of double baked potatoes. Finally we had chocolate fondue with bananas, strawberries, and cheesecake. Everything was just delicious. Chuck did an amazing job in planning such a perfect and unforgettable day.

To my husband, partner, and best friend. I just want to thank you for an amazing Valentine's Day and 5 year anniversary. It has been an amazing 13 years together and wonderful five years married. With every day my love grows more and more. I look forward to the years to come. Thank you for being so good to me and for making me so happy. I love you bunches.

We Love You Bunches

Daddy's little girl!Mama's little princess!

Happy Happy Valentine's Day

Yummy....chocolate chip pancakes.
I'm stuffed.
Hug your care bear....ahhhhhh
Good Morning MadiRose!
(Just waking up our princess and she still poses for the camera)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
Happy 5 Year Anniversary Mama & Papa
Grandma made me this heart pattern outfit especially for Valentine's Day.
I'm a silly girl
Like I said I like to be silly.....just call me a silly monkey

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Little Pumpkin

Hurry, lets go inside grandpa's and grandma's house. The Superbowl is about to start.
Go Giants.... oh wait they didn't make it.
Papa, I was a good girl while you were cutting my hair. Can we go outside and play now?

Grilled cheese sandwich...yummy....finger licking good.