Wednesday, January 12, 2011

December 2010

Madison is always asking if she can hold her sister. It is the sweetest thing.
Papa and his girls
Mama and her girls Chillin on the couch
Hmmmm..... what do I want for breakfast this morning?
Sweet Dreams little princess
Madison got princess ornaments for the Christmas tree and asked to take a picture with each ornament.... silly girl.
Madison did a great job decorating the Christmas tree. She has non-breakable ornaments and they all go in the bottom of the tree.
Look at that face...... looks like she is up to no good
Madison loves to hold her little sister
Our little Mia is starting to spend more time awake during the day
Our Lulu is ready for Christmas
Madison spent the day with Grandma so Mama and Papa could go Christmas shopping.
Madison's gifts were all wrapped before she got home. When she saw all the gifts under the tree she was so excited. She kept saying, "We can open just one".
We had to count down the days for her till Christmas and when we would finally be able to open the presents.
Walking in my mama's high heel shoes
Our little princess
Resting on the boppy pillow
Mia's first bottle
Madison playing dress up with her Cinderella costume and yes instead of fancy shoes she has on her Paul Frank slippers.
Bath time
Look at that hair.... Mama and Papa have nicked named me Rob Stewart
Mia sucking her thumb again. Oh oh look at her left hand... lol
Before bedtime Madison likes to hold her little sister
Snuggy time
Christmas tradition..... baking cookies
Papa had the great idea of putting Madison's princess table in the kitchen to bake and contain the mess. Oh it sure was messy on and around that table.
Madison had a blast baking. She loves to help in the kitchen.
How does that song go? Put your hands up in the air.....
Tummy time
Mia is very lazy and falls alseep during tummy time.
Madison likes to get on the play mat with Mia. If it is tummy time she says, "Come on Mia, pick up your head." "You can do it".
Madison loves to go outside and RUN, RUN, RUN!
Bath time... I love that precious face
Madison ready to watch TangledShe really enjoyed the 3D and how real things looked
Mia spent sometime with Grandma and Grandpa so we could watch Tangled.
Mia also spent time with Tita so we could watch Yogi Bear with Alexander and Andrew.
I had a blast.... now this is the way to watch movies
Madison is such a great Big sister, she always likes to help out during tummy time. She likes to encourage her sister. "Come on Mia, you can do it".

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