She kept telling us Santa loves cookies.
Madison kept saying, Look!!! Santa got me my movie!!! Toy Story 3!!!

So just like the dinosaurs she asked for last Christmas, she wanted the Buzz this year but yet she was a bit scared of him. She would play with him but Buzz had to be on the off mode. It took several weeks but she is finally playing with him on the on mode. Silly girl.
Mia just chilled on her chair, next year you will enjoy Christmas so much more our baby girl
After we saw Santa's gifts we then did stockings
Ummmm can someone help me with my stocking?
Madison is such an amazing big sister. She wanted to help Mia with her stocking and to open Mia's presents. She would do it in front of Mia and would say "Look Mia, you got presents".
Madison is obsessed with Princess's, Tinkerbell, Dinosaurs, Toy Story 3 and Thomas the train.
Muah!!!! Thank you Papa for everything!
Thank you Mama! After she was done opening gifts, Madison went around the room thanking Papa, Mama, and yes even Mia and Lulu. You are so sweet our Madison Rose.

Opening presents

Our response is always, of course you can, you're her big sister.
Ok.... ok..... now can we play?!?!?!?!?!?!
We have so much fun watching Madison play. She was playing with Buzz, dinosaurs and Cinderella all at the same time.
Merry Christmas
Like always our baby girl sleeping through the fun
After Christmas at our house then we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's
My 1st Christmas
Mia and her Uncle Dustin

She even helped pick up the mess.
Mia con Tito y Tita
Madison with her cousins Alexander and Andrew
Papa opening presents with Zoe. It is Zoe's first Christmas. We love you princess!

My beautiful family, Thank you GOD!!!
Zoe and Mia, I can see it now...... these two are going to be the best of friends
My hubby.... my everything..... I love you!!
Manina y Zoe
Madison and Papa playing Toy Story 3-3D game .... oh of course Buzz had to be next to her and watch Madison play.
Day after Christmas, Madison didn't even know where to start. So many toys..... what do I play with first?

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