Thursday, May 14, 2009

18 month checkup and update

Today was Madison's 18 month check up. It is official, she is scared of the pediatrician's office. I guess after all the vaccinations, she now associates the pediatrician's office with pain. Kind of like Lulu after her HGE episode, she fights us when walking in the vet's door.
So as Papa walked in the office with Madison she embraced him. She saw the nurse walk in the room with the tray that holds the shots and started crying. She received two shots, after the first shot, Madison cried repeatedly "All done, all done". It was too cute.
She now weights 26lbs and is 34 in long. Our punkin is thriving and doing great. She definitely fought the pediatrician during the exam. Dr Suarez says she will have no problem defending herself. That's our girl. LOL

Madison is a parrot. She is repeating everything we say. She says two syllable words like a pro. Has mastered puzzles that are age 3 and up. I think she gets if from me...... LOL just kidding she totally gets the brains from her Papa.

1 comment:

KDoug said...

So cute! Your little chunk is the same weight as my 23 month old. LOL!!! Who would have thought when you compare Rob and I to you and Chuck.

Madison is adorable. I know you're having fun each and every day.