Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Time at Seaquarium 8/14/09

Papa surprised Mama & I and took today off so we could go to the seaquarium.
Madison kept saying, " dolphin... wow".
Madison had a great time watching the Top Deck Dolphin show.
Madison did not want to look at the camera, we were at a show.
The Golden Dome Sea Lion show.
Madison was too cute, when we said look the sea lion, she
roared like a lion.
We caught a shark!
Go Gators!
Killer Whale & Dolphin Show
Madison kept saying, Big....Fish....Big....Fish.
Our punkin loved the fish tanks. We are convinced we have to get one for our house.
What a fun day!
Thank you so much Papa. We had a blast.
We love you sooooo much.
Papa n Mama got me a blow up whale.
Madison really likes her whale. She won't let go of it as you can see.
Even as she took a nap on the way home, she still held on to her whale.

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